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Barelang Bridge - Batam

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Another side of Barelang Bridge

The alternative to escape from daily busy day

Trikora beach in Bintan Island


Tourism Object which is still Virgin

Trikora Beach is one of the charming tourist attraction, which is located 45 km from the city Tanjungpinang. Can be achieved using of two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheel, because the road is smooth asphalt. Enchantment Trikora Beach is a very interesting background scenery with sea water like clear glass. Various species of marine plants and fish can be seen from the surface of the water. That white beach shaping sloping curve with a long peninsula is met by coconut trees.

Palms and other trees grow in the fertile hills to stick to the mouth coast. Uniquely, many other large stones that appear on many lips coast, even to the waters. Visitors can also enjoy the sun go down while sitting or standing on a stone.
White sand beach in the Trikora clean and feels soft in the foot, so people want to run fast or walk through lips beach without worrying about tread hard and sharp or dangerous objects. For travelers who have a hobby to walk through the beach lips can do a full day, as Trikora Beach length reached 25 kilometers.
For those who like sunbathing on the sand, tired after a swim in the sea water, tourists can choose whether you want to direct sun rays or under the trees are still green and lush.
Houses Kelong is made from wood with a roof sago palm beach. Travelers who want to see from nearby houses Kelong can rent a boat owned by fishermen. Rent a boat is dependent on agreement with the owner. At night, houses Kelong in the middle of the sea looks beautiful with a ray of light shining genset electricity.

In some locations have been available accommodation (cottage) is comfortable with restaurants and sports facilities such as swimming pools and tennis courts.
Along the coast many food and beverage vendors that provide seafood, such as fish, shrimp, crab, cuttlefish and fresh. Also, young coconut fruit, which is taken directly from the coconut trees around the beach. "Brain-brain" (food made from fish wrapped with sago palm leaves), which is still hot can make visitors more like at-enjoy the beauty of the coast.

Travel from Tanjungpinang takes about 60 minutes with an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Want to visit, the visitor can rent a taxi to reach. The taxi rate of Rp 30,000 per hour. If you want to relax more, visitors can also rent a car or minibus.
The roads to the beach Trikora quite smooth. From Tanjung Pinang to the border region of Riau Islands District, a good asphalt road. Can be passed by three to four-track car. If there are asphalt roads that are less good, not to distrupt the comfort of travel.

Anyer Beach Tourism


The Province of Banten, formerly an integral part of West Java, achieved greater autonomy with the declaration of the new province of Banten. The creation of this province has been accompanied by a tourism promotion campaign, extolling its attraction as a beach and sea playground.
With the fabulous wildlife preserve of Ujung Kulon in the far south this is certainly the case
( www.indonesiaseoul.org )

As the coastal areas, Banten residents can be grateful because the area has many beautiful beaches. And, one of the beautiful beaches of the many beaches in Banten is located in the coastal area along the Anyer. Anyer beach has long been an option for many people spend their holiday. Moreover, currently in this area can also enjoy the various recreational facilities and
sports, which can be played by one or more people, all ages..

In the coastal area which is located approximately 160 kilometers west of Jakarta and has a white sandy bathing sea water clean. So, the tourists can play on the beach, sunbathing, swimming, surfing, jetski rent, or rent a bodyboard if you want to enjoy the strain used by sea water. On average, the jetski can be rented at the rate of Rp 80 thousand per 15 minutes and bodyboard Rp 5 thousand to use until satisfied. If you have not felt
advanced to jetski ride, do not worry. You do not need to ride by your self , but quite a bum and enjoy drag on the surface of the sea.

Beach and Facilities
If you feel tired after playing on the beach, you can relax while massaged. There are many masseur on the coastline, with the average tariff Rp 15 thousand per hour. Or, you want to modify the hair style football Ruud Gulit? Here are many women who can do skills, such as the beaches in Bali. Along the coast many food stalls, souvenir, and a variety of seafood, such as shrimp, crab, squid is also fresh.

To stay, there are many hotel, motel, tourism hut, resorts, and cottages in Anyer, ranging from lodging to a small five-star hotel. Of course, the lodging is in the side of the beach has a more expensive fare instead of in the road, not at the beach. Rates lodging at the beach around Rp 150 thousand per room per night for
The class jasmine to the Rp 2 million per room per night for a five. Like lodging rates will not be on the side of the beach begin to Rp 45 thousand per room per night to about Rp 300 thousand per room per night.

Five-star hotel that is popular in Anyer is the Sol Elite Marbella, which has about 580 rooms and suites. Like the hotel, which is located on the coastline, the hotel rates are suites or rooms overlooking the beach is not different to that facing the beach. That, in this hotel are available a variety of facilities that guests can enjoy, from the swimming pool, bar, children's play arena, and sports facilities. Often held the stage in the hotel lobby art. However, during the holiday season, presumably you have to book lodging, which is located near the beach early. If not, most likely you will not get a room. To stay in the Sol Elite Marbella holiday at the time, for example, at least, you should book a room two weeks earlier.

Restaurant and Nightlife
For the purposes of eating, here, there are many restaurants or food stalls that are integrated with the lodging place. However, because this area of the beach, perhaps only if "the flavor of the sea" to dominate most of the food and beverages that are sold here. Restaurants and food stalls along the road this presents the most seafood as the main menu. In addition to the hotel,
resort, and cottages, restaurants and food stalls also become "the place of night life". 'That is, in places that the tourists generally spend the night time, after
see the beauty of the panorama when the sinking sun at the beach.

Kendal in the world


I’ve never thought before that the name of my birth place, Kendal ( Central Java, Indonesia ) is not only in Indonesia..!! Why Indonesia? Because in Indonesia it self, as long as I know , has two places named Kendal.

One of them is my childhood town in the west of ( ±25km) of Semarang. The other Kendal is a sub district at Ngawi (East Java Province).

Kendal, Indonesia

  • Kendal, a town in Northern Central Java Province, Indonesia

Kendal is a small town, the capital of Kendal Regency

Kendal Regency borders :

North : Java sea

East : Semarang

South : Semarang regency and Temanggung regency

West : Batang regency

Farthermost range from west to east : 40 Km,

Farthermost range from north to south : 36 Km.

Kendal regency territory wide for about : 1.002,23 Km2 divided into 20 sub districts and 265 villages.

Links for more info : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabupaten_Kendal , http://www.kabupaten-kendal.go.id , http://www.kendalonline.net ,

Another Kendal ( without double “L” ) outside Indonesia :

Kendal, United Kingdom

  • Kendal, a town in the Lake District of England

Kendal, is an historic market town, situated in the valley on the banks of the River Kent just 8 miles from Morecambe Bay and stands at the entrance to one of the most beautiful parts of the country – the English Lakes District.

Kendal is also within 20 minutes drive to the Yorkshire Dales National Park, making it a perfect base for walkers and sightseers alike.

Links for more informations : www.visitcumbria.com , www.kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk, wikipedia

Kendal, Canada

Kendal is a village in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada

I’ve searching for more information about this Kendal, but haven’t find yet.

Links for more informations : Wikipedia, http://www12.statcan.ca

Health with Chlorophyl


"Chlorophyl and hemoglobin have a similar chemical structure. "
The chlorophyl molecule and the hermogloben molecule are almost identical in shape and make up of atoms and how they are combined. However, hermogloben has IRON as the center atom whereas chlorophyl has magnesium.
"Chlorophyl and hemoglobin have a similar chemical structure. "

The chlorophyl molecule and the hermogloben molecule are almost identical in shape and make up of atoms and how they are combined. However, hermogloben has IRON as the center atom whereas chlorophyl has magnesium.

Group of pigments including chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, the green pigments present in chloroplasts in most plants; it is responsible for the absorption of light energy during photosynthesis. The pigment absorbs the red and blue-violet parts of sunlight but reflects the green, thus giving plants their characteristic colour. Other chlorophylls include chlorophyll c (in brown algae) and chlorophyll d (found in red algae).

Chlorophyll is found within chloroplasts, present in large numbers in leaves. Cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic bacteria also have chlorophyll, though of a slightly different type. Chlorophyll is similar in structure to haemoglobin, but with magnesium instead of iron as the reactive part of the molecule. Because magnesium is contained in chlorophyll it is considered an essential plant mineral salt. Magnesium can often be a part of a mixture of minerals used as a fertilizer.

  • Bersihkan bagian dalam tubuh anda dengan meminum chlorophyll setiap hari.
  • Sangat bermanfaat bagi orang yang kurang memakan sayur sayuran
  • Chlorophyll adalah zat hijau daun pada tumbuhan yang merupakan sumber kehidupan melalui proses fotosintesis.
  • Struktur kimia Chlorophyll sangat mirip dengan struktur Haemoglobin (sel darah merah)
  • Merupakan bahan yang sangat alami dan aman untuk di konsumsi siapapun

Chlorophyll sebagai darah hijau :

  • 1912, Dr.Alexis dalam tesisnya “Sel yang abadi” penelitiannya menunjukkan pentingnya membuang racun untuk meningkatkan kesehatan
  • 1915, Dr.Richard W, menemukan struktur kimia dari chlorophyll
  • 1930, Dr.Hans Fischer, penemuan struktur kimia hemoglobin yang mirip dengan struktur kimia chlorophyll

3 manfaat dari chlorophyll :

  • Membersihkan, membantu detoksifikasi dan mengurangi racun dalam tubuh.
  • Melancarkan, menyeimbangkan sistem hormonal serta keseimbangan asam-basa dalam tubuh
  • Memberi nutrisi,meningkatkan pemasukan nutrisi dalam darah untuk menaikkan oksigen level dalam darah, membantu regenerasi sel darah merah, menghambat proses oksidasi dan menstimulasi regenerasi sel

Manfaat chlorophyll bagi tubuh

  • Menambah tenaga
  • Menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri
  • Memperbaiki kesehatan mulut
  • Meningkatkan fungsi jantung
  • Mengurangi bau badan
  • Keseimbangan asam dan basa
  • Meningkatkan sel darah merah
  • Memperbaiki kondisi anemia (kurang darah)
  • Meringankan masalah asma
  • Meningkatkan sirkulasi darah
  • Mengurangi peradangan
  • Memperbaiki fungsi liver (hati)
  • Meringankan rasa nyeri
  • Membantu masalah insomnia (susah tidur)
  • Memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh
  • Menormalkan suhu badan
  • Meningkatkan metabolisme
  • Membantu fungsi kelenjar thyroid
  • Mengurangi resiko bronchitis
  • Meningkatkan fungsi paru-paru
  • Mempercepat penyembuhan luka
  • Memperbaiki fungsi sel
  • Detoksifikasi darah
  • Bertindak sebagai anti kanker
  • Meningkatkan zat besi dalam tubuh
  • Membersihkan darah
  • Membantu masalah pencernaan
  • Membantu masalah pencernaan
  • Menunda proses penuaan
  • Mengurangi masalah sendi dan tulang
  • Meningkatkan sistem traktus urinarius
  • Menyegarkan tenggorokan
  • Mengurangi sakit pada waktu Haid
  • Perokok
  • Kurang konsumsi sayur sayuran

Sangat baik dikonsumsi oleh penderita :

  • Alergi
  • Asma
  • Radang Sendi
  • Rematik
  • Stroke
  • Kanker
  • Prostat
  • Diabetes
  • Wasir / Ambein
  • Epilepsi
  • Flu
  • Gonorrhea
  • Gout
  • Hati
  • Infeksi
  • Imsomnia
  • Ginjal
  • Batu Ginjal
  • Batu Empedu
  • Bisul
  • Radang Saluran Kemih
  • Gatal disertai bintik bintik merah
  • Luka
  • Mimisan

Greenshrub Sitemap

Blue beach Senggigi


The island of Lombok is a mere 20 minutes from Bali on MERPATI’s daily flights and luxury high speed passenger ferry, the Mabua Express is relaxing and enjoyable way to travel from Bali / port Benoa to Lombok / port Lembar and return. Cruising Bali – Lombok or return only 2 hrs. 30 min (one way). Westernmost of the Nusa Tenggara chain, it is separated from Bali by a deep and treacherous strait. This channel marks the historic “Wallace line” named after the famous naturalist Sir Alfred Wallace who observed the differences in both flora and fauna which begin at Lombok and continue to the East – the thorny arid plants, cockatoos, parrots, giant lizards and marsupials typical of Australasia.

The island of Lombok is a mere 20 minutes from Bali on MERPATI’s daily flights and luxury high speed passenger ferry, the Mabua Express is relaxing and enjoyable way to travel from Bali / port Benoa to Lombok / port Lembar and return. Cruising Bali – Lombok or return only 2 hrs. 30 min (one way). Westernmost of the Nusa Tenggara chain, it is separated from Bali by a deep and treacherous strait. This channel marks the historic “Wallace line” named after the famous naturalist Sir Alfred Wallace who observed the differences in both flora and fauna which begin at Lombok and continue to the East – the thorny arid plants, cockatoos, parrots, giant lizards and marsupials typical of Australasia.

Lombok means “chili pepper” in Indonesian. Surrounded by idyllic white-sand beaches, the island has a chain of volcanic mountains in the north. Mount Rinjani dominates the entire island, rising to 3.726 m from a high plateau area. Placid Crater Lake “Segara Anak” has not springs on its shore. In the South a fertile alluvial fan reflects the shape of the mountain, tapering into the dry hills of the extreme south. The north is contrastingly fertile, similar to Bali, with rice, coffee and tobacco cultivation.

The people are a mixture of Islamic Sasak, living mainly in the East, Hindu Balinese, concentrated in the West and coastal dwellers from the outlying islands. The Sasaks are a hill-tribe of a different racial origin, with darker skin, curly hair and more Caucasian features. Their women wear a distinctive black costume decorated with bright -embroidered strips. Fine ikat weaving, basketry and earthenware pottery is local home crafts.

source [www.sasaktour.com]

The Bunaken National Marine Park


Sunset @ Bunaken Island

Bunaken and its surrounding islands belong probably to Sulawesi's top dive destinations. Only 1 hour from Manado by public boat (1 1/2 us dollar) and you're in a completely different world. Besides walking through the jungle, the only thing to do here is relax, dive, snorkel and drink Cap Tikus.
Sunset @ Bunaken Island

Bunaken and its surrounding islands belong probably to Sulawesi's top dive destinations. Only 1 hour from Manado by public boat (1 1/2 us dollar) and you're in a completely different world. Besides walking through the jungle, the only thing to do here is relax, dive, snorkel and drink Cap Tikus.

The Bunaken National Marine Park was formally established in 1991 and is among the first of Indonesia's growing system of marine parks. The park covers a total surface area of 89,065 hectares, 97% of which is overlain by sparkling clear, warm tropical water. The remaining 3% of the park is terrestrial, including the five islands of Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Nain and Siladen. Although each of these islands has a special character, it is the aquatic ecosystem that attracts most naturalists.

The waters of Bunaken National Marine Park are extremely deep (1566 m in Manado Bay), clear (up to 35-40 m visibility), refreshing in temperature (27-29 C) and harbor some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. Pick any of group of interest - corals, fish, echinoderms or sponges - and the number of families, genera or species is bound to be astonishingly high. For example, 7 of the 8 species of giant clams that occur in the world, occur in Bunaken. The park has around 70 genera of corals; compare this to a mere 10 in Hawaii. Although the exact number of fish species is unknown, it may be slightly higher than in the Philippines, where 2,500 species, or nearly 70% of all fish species known to the Indo-western Pacific, are found.

Oceanic currents may explain, in part, why Bunaken National Marine Park is such a treasure trove of biodiversity. Northeasternly currents generally sweep through the park but abundant counter currents and gyros related to lunar cycles are believed to be a trap for free swimming larvae. This is particularly true on the south side of the crescent-shaped Bunaken Island, lying in the heart of the park. A snorkler or diver in the vicinity of Lekuan or Fukui may spot over 33 species of butterfly fish and numerous types of groupers, damsels, wrasses and gobies. The gobies, smallish fish with bulging eyes and modified fins that allow them to attach to hard surfaces, are the most diverse but least known group of fish in the park.

Biologists believe that the abundance of hard corals is crucial in maintaining the high levels of diversity in the park. Hard corals are the architects of the reefs, without them, numerous marine organisms would be homeless and hungry. Many species of fish are closely associated with particular types of corals (folious, branching, massives, etc.) for shelter and egg-laying. Others, like the enormous Bumphead Parrotfish, Balbometopon muricatum, are "coralivores" and depend on hard corals for their sustenance. Bony mouth parts fused into an impressive "beak" allow these gregarious fish to crunch corals like roasted peanuts.

Some 20,000 people live on the natural resources of Bunaken National Marine Park. Although there are inevitable conflicts between resource protection and use by people, the Indonesian government is taking a fairly unusual and pragmatic approach to park management. The idea is to promote wise resource use while preventing overexploitation. Local communities, government officials, dive resort operators, local nature groups, tourists and scientists have played an active role in developing exclusive zones for diving, wood collection, fishing and other forms of utilization. Bunaken Marine Park has become an important example of how Sulawesi, and the rest of Indonesia, can work to protect its natural resources.

[Source : www.north-sulawesi.org]

Hidden Paradise for surfing


Hidden Paradise of Indian Ocean

Located in the middle of Indian Ocean, 150 km and takes 9 hours trip from Padang, West Sumatra-Mentawai glowing with all the nature spirits and make it an extraordinary escaping spot from a hectic life. Mentawai is the natural habitat for 16 endemic species, and some of them categorized as endangered species e.g. Simakobu monkey (simias concolor-eat leaf as primary food).

Hidden Paradise of Indian Ocean

Located in the middle of Indian Ocean, 150 km and takes 9 hours trip from Padang, West Sumatra-Mentawai glowing with all the nature spirits and make it an extraordinary escaping spot from a hectic life. Mentawai is the natural habitat for 16 endemic species, and some of them categorized as endangered species e.g. Simakobu monkey (simias concolor-eat leaf as primary food).

The present life of Mentawai people categorized as the legacy from Neolithic era and they have a strong believe in nature spirit, for their life strongly affected by nature. They believe that nature is the center of life. All the genuine attributes make Mentawai a perfect place to gain cultural experiences; here you will notice a very fascinating and indigenous culture, like traditional cloths, art, music and the way of life. The entire culture attributes strongly reflects their respect to nature.

Tattoo is one of the most important symbol for Mentawai people, its reflect maturity, manhood and status. The art of this body painting inherit from their ancestor. The tattoos ink naturally made from leaf.

Among the surfers, Mentawai is the best place to fill their demand for challenges and natures beauty. The beaches offer one of the highest wave in the world, 3 to 4 meters, totally challenge your gut. Once you grounded your self in this hidden Paradise Island, next you will paddle out to the worlds best surf. Dont call your self Surfer if you havent ride Mentawais waves said most of the surfer to expressed their surfing experiences in Mentawai. Surfers should try to visit the Mentawais at least once in their lives

There are four ultimate diving spot here in Mentawai ,Siberut, Sipora, Pagai Utara (north Pagai) and Pagai Selatan (south Pagai). You can find great waves here year round, but the best waves are during dry season, March to October. Make sure you have the gut to explore all the glassy waves, because the best way to entitled your surfing experiences remarkable is through finding your own.

Another Paradise Islands



A tourism village is a village area which have some special characteristics of a place as tourism object. In this area, the traditions and culture of local community are still pure. A tourism village is also coloured by some supporting factors, such as local cuisine/food, agriculture system and social system. Besides, pure nature and environment are added points for a tourism village.

Good facilities to provide a village becoming a tourism object are also important. These facilities make visitors who come to a tourism village enjoy their vacation. So, all tourism villages are completed by many supporting facilities, such as transportation, telecommunication, medical, and accommodation facilities. The accommodations in tourism village are special. Visitors can spend the nights using homes stay provided in the village. It gives visitors a memorable moment because they can feel a purely village atmosphere.

Until now, there are seven tourism villages located in Central Java province, Indonesia. There are Candirejo, Dieng, Duwet, Karangbanjar, Karimunjawa, Ketenger, and Selo village. In this website, you can find more detailed information about these tourism villages.

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