About three hundred years ago, the existence of this temple is just a hill in the shrub, which the locals called as forest of Borobudur. For the first time the name of Borobudur is known from Negara_Kertagama manuscript written by Mpu_Prapanca in the year 1365 AD, mentioned a monastery in the Budur area. Later in the Babad Tanah Jawi script (1709 - 1710), there is a story of Mas_Dana, a rebel against the king Pakubuwono I, who was caught in the Forest of Borobudur and sentenced to death. Later in the year 1758, there was a story about a prince from Yogyakarta, the Prince Monconagoro interested to see the 1000 statue was in ruins in the jungle of Borobudur. Then in 1814, Thomas Stamford Raffles, get the news from his men, about the existence of hills that covered with carved stones. According to the news, Raffles then sent Cornelius, an admirer of art and history to clean up the hill. With the help of about 200 villagers, HC. Cornelius immediately cleaning and removing the soil covering the Borobudur Temple in 1835. And the efforts of the Head of Kedu residency, the temple can be displayed fully as previously.
The meaning of the name Borobudur
Some opinions about the name of Borobudur, took from the name of the village near the temple ruins, or otherwise the name of the village was took from the temple names. could be the name was took from name of the village around the temple ruins, or otherwise the name of the village that adapts to the temple name. In the book of the history of Java in the 18th century is mentioned about the "hill of Borobudur", while the statement given to Raffles (Lieutenant Governor-General of England) in the year 1914 in Bumi_Segoro, said the discovery of ancient relics called "Borobudur". Thus it can be concluded that the name Borobudur is the original name of the temple buildings. Interpretation of Borobudur was also carried out by Raffles, based on the information he collected from the public, Budur has the same meaning with the word Budo, which in Javanese means ancient. Raffles also displays other information that Budo is means the Great, and Budur is means Buddha. So Borobudur means the Great Buddha. However, because the Boro in the ancient Javanese language means a lot, Borobudur can also mean : a lot of Buddha. An expert named Professor. Dr. Poerbotjoroko argues that the word Bara comes from the Sanskrit "VIHARA" which means the temple complex and bihara means dormitory. And his opinion was strengthened by the opinion of Prof.Dr.WF. Stutterhelm who argued that Borobudur means Bihara on the top of a hill. Meanwhile, Prof.. JG. De Casparis based on Karang Tengah inscription, which gives information about the temple's founding year, the Year Sangkala "Rasa_Sagara_Kstidhara", or Year Caka 146 (824 AD), or in the reign of Sailendra dynasty, which glorifies the god Indra. Was mentioned in the inscription a name Bhumisambharabhudhara, meaning place of worship of the ancestors of ancestral spirits
Location of Borobudur Temple
Borobudur temple is located on the south side of Mount Tidar, approximately straight within the range 15 km, or about 40 km north of Yogyakarta, exactly in the village of Borobudur, Borobudur District, Magelang regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Borobudur temple is located in the plains of Kedu, that has confluence two major rivers Progo and Elo river, which both are flows to south toward the Indian Ocean.
Borobudur Temple surrounded by mountains, like Mount Sindoro, Sumbing, Mount Merbabu, and Mount Merapi also Menoreh Mountains. Borobudur temple is also surrounded by several villages; Bumi_Segoro, Sabrang_Rowo, Gopatan, Jawahan, Barepan, Ngaran, Kelon, Janan and Gendingan.
The restoration of Borobudur
Restoration by Cornelius was in the reign Hatmann Raffles and Resident, then transmitted to the restoration of 1907 - 1911 by Theodore Van Erp to refine and rebuild the structure of Borobudur be like now. Lieutenant Van Erp was a military construction engineers, but then attracted to research and learn everything about the temple of Borobudur, the temple structure, philosophy and religious ideology is contained in that temple. For that, he has conducted a comparative study for several years in India. He also went to Sri Lanka to see the top of the building structure Sanchi stupa in Kandy, and the results of Van Erp discovered the building of Borobudur. As for the philosophy and religion was found by Stutterheim and Nj. Chrome, which is about the Buddhist Dharma, who adhered to Mahayana Yogacara sect, which mixes with Tantrayana-Vajrayama sect. Research on the temple structure and the philosophy embodied in the temple took a long time, because there is no comprehensive guidelines about the figure of the original building from the ruins of Borobudur temple.
Borobudur temple is the second largest temple after Ankor Wat temples in Cambodia. Borobudur has a similar shape with the Cheops pyramid in Gizeh Egypt. Borobudur temple does not have a booth or space inside it, so that the building of Borobudur Temple is considered as a building pilgrimage.
Borobudur temple consists of a hard natural stones. The stones were cut with a variety of diverse sizes and shapes. Natural stones neatly arranged without adhesive.
- Borobudur Building area: 15,129 m2, which is composed of 55,000 m3 of stones, containing approximately 2 million pieces of rocks. The average size of each stone is 25cm: 10cm: 15 cm. The entire length of the stone pieces are about 500 km, with a total weight of the rocks around 1.3 million tons.
- Borobudur wall surrounded by pictures or reliefs depicting a series of stories that is composed of 1460 panels. The length of each panel is 2 meters. So if all series of reliefs are connected in a straight, all the reliefs in length will reach 3 km.
- Borobudur consists of ten levels, from level 1 to 6 are square, whereas the level of 7 to 10 are circular. From the surface soil until the end of the main stupa, the original height are 42 meters, but now only 34.5 meters after Thunderstruck.
- Statues found in throughout of the temple building amounted to 504 units.
Borobudur temple in philosophy consists of three levels. The levels were essentially describes the level of human spiritual attainment
1. Lowest level: Kamadhatu (The existence of Desire)
In this stage people are still bound by desire. The reliefs of the base level, Kamadhatu were covered up with an extra wall before they were completely finished. There are two theories for the additional wall: 1) The entire structure began to slide and needed support or 2) Perhaps the explicit material on the reliefs was considered too revealing for the young Buddhist initiates. During the Japanese occupation, part of the wall that exposing reliefs from the Karmawibanggha was removed, such an ancient Tibetan text that discusses good and bad deeds and their consequences. This particular reliefs can be viewed on the southeast corner.
2. Higher world: Rupadhatu (Material existence)
In this stage people have left all desire but is still bound to the name and likeness. The Rupadhatu begins with the first terrace. Turning to the left down the corridor we see on the main wall relief’s from the Lalitavistara text, a Sanskrit manuscript which depicts Buddha's life. In brief the story is as follows: Prince Shidharta, the founder of Buddhism, was born in the Lumbini garden in Nepal. His father was a great king. His mother, Maya Dewi, died a week after his birth. Prince Sidharta led a very secluded life. When he reached adulthood he married Princess Gopa. One day he had a vision: he saw four figures that represented aspects of life he had never experienced or imagined: a blind old man, a sick man, a dead man, and a monk. Having experienced this, the Prince was inspired to leave the palace in search of wisdom. He became wanaprastha or a hermit wanderer and studied under famous teachers Brahmapani, Rudraka Aradakalapa and five famous hermits. Despite their teaching he was still unsatisfied. Prince Sidharta practised his own way that is the middle path or madyamika. Finally he meditated under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya town and attained Buddhahood. After his enlightenment he was named Buddha Gautama.
In this stage people have left all desire but is still bound to the name and likeness. The Rupadhatu begins with the first terrace. Turning to the left down the corridor we see on the main wall relief’s from the Lalitavistara text, a Sanskrit manuscript which depicts Buddha's life. In brief the story is as follows: Prince Shidharta, the founder of Buddhism, was born in the Lumbini garden in Nepal. His father was a great king. His mother, Maya Dewi, died a week after his birth. Prince Sidharta led a very secluded life. When he reached adulthood he married Princess Gopa. One day he had a vision: he saw four figures that represented aspects of life he had never experienced or imagined: a blind old man, a sick man, a dead man, and a monk. Having experienced this, the Prince was inspired to leave the palace in search of wisdom. He became wanaprastha or a hermit wanderer and studied under famous teachers Brahmapani, Rudraka Aradakalapa and five famous hermits. Despite their teaching he was still unsatisfied. Prince Sidharta practised his own way that is the middle path or madyamika. Finally he meditated under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya town and attained Buddhahood. After his enlightenment he was named Buddha Gautama.
In the Rupadhatu there are also small Buddha statues in niches in the balustrades of the four terraces. On the first terrace there are Manushi Buddhas who have manifested themselves in the world. Each directional point is protected by a Manushi Buddha: Knakanmuni to the South, Kacyapa to the West, Ckvanmuni to the East and Maitreya to the North. On the three higher terraces are Dyani Buddhas or meditative Buddhas. They can be distinguished from one and other by the position of their hands referred to as mudra.
At this level, the humans had no name and form at all. Humans have been free at all and broke up for good ties with all the mortal world. As we ascend the monument, reading the stories and climbing the terraces we will pass six archways. Before the final level, the Arupadhatu, we must pass through a double archway between the third and fourth terrace. These are called the double gates of Nirwikala. After passing through these gates our body leaves its corporeal form. Rupadhatu, and enters the world of formless spirit, Arupadhatu. The Nirwikala is the final door leading to the supreme final reality of Buddhism. The most of architecturally archway is found on the side of the monument.
The building consists of 10 levels. 3 levels of the top are circle with 3 terraces, and there are 72 stupas with holes. These terraces are:
1. The first terrace there are 32 stupas which has holes.
2. The second terrace there are 24 stupas which has holes.
3. The third terrace there are 16 stupas which has holes.
At the center stands the main stupa, crown of the Borobudur Temple. This main stupa has a 9.90 m diameter, and has no holes so that people can not see the inside of the stupa.
Buddha Statues
Besides adorned with reliefs of the stories, Borobudur Temple is also decorated with of high quality statues. The statues were all described Dhyani - Buddha, is at the Rupadhatu and Arupadhatu level.
Composition of the statues of Buddha in every hall are as follows:
c. Third = 88 Statues of Buddha
d. Fourth = 72 Statues of Buddha e. Porch fifth = 64 Statues of Buddha
f. The first round terrace = 32 Statues of Buddha
g. The second round terrace = 24 Statues of Buddha
h. The third round terrace = 16 Statues of Buddha
Total = 504 Statues of Buddha
All Buddhist statues are look like similar, but actually there are difference. The differences between the Buddha statues with one another is the position of the hands (mudra) and it is unique characteristic of each statue.
There are 5 positions of the hands (mudra), as follows:
a. Bhumispara - Mudra
This hand position represents the Buddhist Goddess of the Earth called as a witness when he deflected every attack of Satan Mara.
This hand position represents the Buddhist Goddess of the Earth called as a witness when he deflected every attack of Satan Mara.
b. Wara - Mudra
This hand position represents the gift of charity, giving grace or blessing. This mudra is characteristic Dhyani Buddha Ratna Sambawa. Statues facing south.
c. Dhyana - Mudra
Symbolizes of meditation, which is a special sign for the Dhyani Buddha Amitabhad. Abhaya - Mudra
Symbolizes of giving peace, a special sign of Dhyani Buddha Armogashidi
e. Dharma Cakra - Mudra
Represents the dharma wheel motion. Mudra is a special characteristic of Dhyani Buddha Wairocana, regional power center located in a special Wairocana Borobudur Temple.
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December 6, 2009 at 9:38 PM
Actually,I don't know about these books yet.
But I will inform to you if I find the books.
Thanks for visit my blog.
December 11, 2009 at 1:23 AM
pengin nyimak kok malah anyang-anyangen... boso linggis kabeh! gggrrr...
December 14, 2009 at 10:29 AM
ngombe banyu sing akeh ben rak anyang-anyangen .jiakakaka
January 21, 2010 at 10:02 AM
remains a very historic building and strong
March 17, 2010 at 8:49 AM
nice info.. lanjutkan..
August 17, 2010 at 6:16 AM
December 18, 2010 at 6:46 PM
sungguh peninggalan sejarah yang sangat menakjubkan
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